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С. И. Билибин, Б. Е. Лухминский

Анализ погрешностей при оценке запасов нефти и газа

В рамках объемного метода как детерминированными, так и статистическими методами (Монте-Карло) получены оценки погрешности подсчета запасов. Оказалось, что обе оценки хорошо согласуются между собой и позволяют получить так называемые доверительные интервалы (или квантили Р10, Р50, Р90) для запаса.
Ключевые слова: запасы нефти и газа, погрешности определения, статистическое моделирование, метод Монте-Карло.

1. Билибин С. И., Перепечкин М. В., Юканова Е. А. Технология построения геологических моделей залежей углеводородов в программном комплексе DV-Geo при недостаточном наборе исходных данных // Геофизика. 2007. № 4. С. 191–194.
2. Демидович Б. П., Марон И. А. Основы вычислительной математики. М.: Физматгиз, 1960.
3. Емельянова Н. М., Пороскун В. И. Возможность использования вероятностных оценок запасов при управлении углеводородными ресурсами // Геология, геофизика и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений. 2006. № 12. С. 67–71.
4. Пороскун В. И., Севернин М. Ю., Шепелев Г. И. Вероятностная оценка запасов на начальных стадиях изучения залежей нефти и газа // Геология нефти и газа. 1999. № 5–6. С. 59–63.
5. Ходжин Дж., Забродин Д. П. Учет запасов и ресурсов углеводородов: сравнение новой российской классификации с международной классификацией SPE-PRMS // Недропользование – ХХI век. 2008. № 4. С. 42–47.
6. Murtha J., Ross J. Uncertainty and the volumetric equation. Journal of Petroleum Technology. 2009. № 9. P. 20–22.

S. I. Bilibin, B. E. Lukhminsky
analysis of errors in oil and gas reserves evaluation

Evaluations of oil and gas reserves evaluation errors have been obtained by both determinative and statistical methods (Monte Carlo) within the framework of the volumetric approach. The both evaluations proved to correlate well between themselves and provide so-called confidence intervals (or fractiles Р10, Р50, Р90) for the reserves.
Key words: oil and gas reserves , evaluation errors, statistical modeling, Monte Carlo method.
1. Bilibin S. I., Perepechkin M. V., Yukanova E. A. Tekhnologiya postroeniya geologicheskikh modeleyj zalezheyj uglevodorodov v programmnom komplekse DV-Geo pri nedostatochnom nabore iskhodnihkh dannihkh // Geofizika. 2007. № 4. S. 191–194.
2. Demidovich B. P., Maron I. A. Osnovih vihchisliteljnoyj matematiki. M.: Fizmatgiz, 1960.
3. Emeljyanova N. M., Poroskun V. I. Vozmozhnostj ispoljzovaniya veroyatnostnihkh ocenok zapasov pri upravlenii uglevodorodnihmi resursami // Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanihkh i gazovihkh mestorozhdeniyj. 2006. № 12. S. 67–71.
4. Poroskun V. I., Severnin M. Yu., Shepelev G. I. Veroyatnostnaya ocenka zapasov na nachaljnihkh stadiyakh izucheniya zalezheyj nefti i gaza // Geologiya nefti i gaza. 1999. № 5–6. S. 59–63.
5. Khodzhin Dzh., Zabrodin D. P. Uchet zapasov i resursov uglevodorodov: sravnenie novoyj rossiyjskoyj klassifikacii s mezhdunarodnoyj klassifikacieyj SPE-PRMS // Nedropoljzovanie – KhKhI vek. 2008. № 4. S. 42–47.
6. Murtha J., Ross J. Uncertainty and the volumetric equation. Journal of Petroleum Technology. 2009. № 9. P. 20–22.


Р. Ю. Алияров, Р. А. Рамазанов

Изменение электрического сопротивления пластов-коллекторов в процессе разработки залежей нефти и газа

Рассмотрена связь извилистости пор с основными петрофизическими характеристиками пород-коллекторов месторождений Южно-Каспийской впадины на основании результатов экспериментальных исследований. Получена аналитическая модель изменения удельного электрического сопротивления пластов-коллекторов с учетом изменения насыщенности, пористости и структурных коэффициентов в процессе разработки.
Ключевые слова: сопротивление, извилистость, структурные коэффициенты m и n.

1. Абасов М. Т., Алияров Р. Ю., Кондрушкин Ю. М., Мусаев Р. А. и др. Изучение смачиваемости пород-коллекторов на поздней стадии разработки залежей нефти // Известия НАНА “Науки о Земле”. 2004. № 4. С. 84–90.
2. Алияров Р. Ю. Научные основы и методы изучения природных резервуаров нефти и газа в Южно-Каспийской впадине по данным геофизических исследований скважин: автореф. дис. ... д. г.-м. н. Баку, 1996.
3. Дахнов В. Н. Геофизические методы определения коллекторских свойств и нефтегазонасыщения горных пород. М.: Недра, 1985.
4. Ханин А. А. Породы-коллекторы нефти и газа и их изучение. М.: Недра, 1969. 386 с.
5. Attia M. Attia. Effects of petrophysical rock properties on tortuosity factor // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2005. № 48. P. 185–198.
6. Salem H. S. Derivation of the Cementation Factor (Archie’s Exponents) and the Kozeney–Carman Constant from Well Log Data and Dependence on Lithology and Other Physical Parameters. SPE Paper. 1993. Vol. 26309.

R. Yu. Aliyarov, R. A. Ramazanov
changes in the reservoir bed resistivity WHILE developING THE oil and gas pools

Liaison between pore tortuosity and basic petrophysical characteristics of the South Caspian depression reservoir rocks has been discussed on the basis of experimental results. An analytical model of reservoir bed resistivity corrected for saturation, porosity and structure coefficient variations in the course of reservoir development has been obtained.
Key words: resistivity, tortuosity, structure coefficients m and n.
1. Abasov M. T., Aliyarov R. Yu., Kondrushkin Yu. M., Musaev R. A. i dr. Izuchenie smachivaemosti porod-kollektorov na pozdneyj stadii razrabotki zalezheyj nefti // Izvestiya NANA “Nauki o Zemle”. 2004. № 4. S. 84–90.
2. Aliyarov R. Yu. Nauchnihe osnovih i metodih izucheniya prirodnihkh rezervuarov nefti i gaza v Yuzhno-Kaspiyjskoyj vpadine po dannihm geofizicheskikh issledovaniyj skvazhin: avtoref. dis. ... d. g.-m. n. Baku, 1996.
3. Dakhnov V. N. Geofizicheskie metodih opredeleniya kollektorskikh svoyjstv i neftegazonasihtheniya gornihkh porod. M.: Nedra, 1985.
4. Khanin A. A. Porodih-kollektorih nefti i gaza i ikh izuchenie. M.: Nedra, 1969. 386 s.
5. Attia M. Attia. Effects of petrophysical rock properties on tortuosity factor // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2005. № 48. P. 185–198.
6. Salem H. S. Derivation of the Cementation Factor (Archie’s Exponents) and the Kozeney–Carman Constant from Well Log Data and Dependence on Lithology and Other Physical Parameters. SPE Paper. 1993. Vol. 26309.


С. М. Аксельрод

Проблемы разработки месторождений тяжелой нефти и битума (по материалам зарубежных публикаций)

Рассмотрены современные способы разработки месторождений тяжелой нефти и битуминозных песчаников, описаны приемы определения вязкости нефти в пластовых условиях, оценены состояние и перспективы развития скважинных и наземных методов мониторинга процессов добычи тяжелой нефти.
Ключевые слова: тяжелая нефть, битум, вязкость, плотность, мониторинг, пар, разработка, геофизические исследования.

1. Аксельрод С. М. Исследования профиля притока в горизонтальных скважинах (по материалам американской печати) // НТВ “Каротажник”. Тверь: Изд. АИС. 2005. Вып. 132–133. С. 300–335.
2. Аксельрод С. М. Оптико-волоконная технология при геофизических исследованиях в скважинах // НТВ “Каротажник”. Тверь: Изд. АИС. 2006. Вып. 142. С. 104–141.
3. Аксельрод С. М. Многомерные ЯМР-исследования разрезов скважин (по материалам публикаций в американской литературе) // НТВ “Каротажник”. Тверь: Изд. АИС. 2008. Вып. 172. С. 84–123.
4. Alboudwarej H. et al. Highlighting Heavy Oil. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, V. 18, № 2, p. 34–53, Summer 2006. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors06/sum06/heavy_oil.pdf
5. Akkurt R., Seifert D., Al-Harbi A., Al-Beaiji T. M., Kruspe T., Thern H., Kroken A. Real-Time Detection of Tar in Carbonates Using LWD Triple Combo, NMR and Formation Tester in Highly-Deviated Wells. SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, paper XXX, May 25–28, 2008.
6. Al-Asimi M., Butler G., Brown G., Hartog A., Cosad T., Fitzgerald J., Navarro J., Gabb A., Ingham J., Kimminau S., Smith J., Stefenson K. Advances in Well and Reservoir Surveillance. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Winter 2002/2003, p. 14–35. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors02/p14 _35.pdf
7. Atkinson J., Berard M., Conort G., Groves J., Lowe T., McDiarmid A., Mehdizade P., Perciot P., Pinguot B., Williamson K. A New Horizon in Multiphase Flow Measurement. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Winter 2004/2005, p. 52–63. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors04/win04/05_multiphase_flow.pdf
8. Barreto W., Hill A. Heavy oil testing in deepwater wells – How can the latest technology and processes be best applied for testing success? On-line press release. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/heavy-oil-testing-in-deepwater-wells
9. Belani A. It is Time for an Industry Initiative on Heavy Oil. Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 58, № 6, p. 40–42, 2006.
10. Bouchard M. Expert Viewpoint – Flow Control. On-line press release, February 2008. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/expert-viewpont-2013-flow-control
11. Bourg L., Decoster E., Klein J., Gipsin L. Resistivity Logging in Horizontal Wells in the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt: Laterolog or Dielectric Propagation LWD Tools? SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, paper QQQ, June 3–6, 2007.
12. Bryan J., Kantzas A., Mai A. Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization Using Low Field NMR. Back to Exploration. CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention, p. 236–241, 2008. http://www.cspg.org/conventions/abstracts/2008abstracts/195.pdf
13. Bryan J., Mai A., Hum F., Kantzas A. Oil- and Water-Content Measurements in Bitumen Ore and Froth Samples Using Low-Field NMR. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, V. 9, № 6, p. 654–663, 2006.
14. Burcaw L., Kleinberg R., Bryan J., Kantzas A., Cheng Y., Kharrat A., Badry R. Improved Methods for Estimating the Viscosity of Heavy Oils from Magnetic Resonance Data. SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, paper W, May 25–28, 2008.
15. Carmona R., Decoster E. Assessing Production Potential of Heavy Oil Reservoirs from the Orinoco Belt with NMR Log. SPWLA 42ndAnnual Logging Symposium, paper ZZ, June 17–20, 2001.
16. Curtis C. et al. Heavy-Oil Reservoirs. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Autumn 2002, V. 14, № 3, p. 30–51.
17. Clark B., Graves W. G., Gurfinkel M. E., Lopez-de-Cardenas J. E., Peats A. W. Heavy Oil, Topic № 22. Working Document of the National Petroleum Council Global Oil & Gas Study, July 2007. http://www.npc.org/Study_Topic_Papers/22-TTG-Heavy-Heavy-Oil.pdf
18. Decoster E. Application of recent NMR development to the characterization of Orinoco belt heavy oil reservoirs. SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, paper VVV, May 25–28, 2008.
19. Denney D. Processes Responsible for Heavy-Oil Recovery by Alkali/Surfactant Flooding. Journal of Petroleum Technology, V. 61, № 1, p. 52–54, p. 88, January 2009.
20. Englemark F. Time-Lapse Monitoring of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) of Heavy Oil Using Multi-Transient Electro-Magnetics (MTEM), in Let it Flow, CSPG CSEG Convention, p. 647–651, 2007.
21. Hassan M. M., Bekkoucha M., Abukhader M. SPE 101475. Production-Well-Testing Optimization Using Multiphase Flowmeters. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, 5–8 November, 2006.
22. Haugen J. A., Jenssen E. S., Hatlem S. Challenges in Heavy Crude Oil – Grane, an Overview. OTC 18234, 2006 Offshore Technology Conference, Texas, 1–4 May, 2006.
23. Hemandes H. et al. SPE 104074-MS. Calibration of Parameters Used in the Processing of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data, Acquired in Heavy- to Extraheavy-Oil Reservoirs, by Integrating Core, Production, and Conventional Log Data With Magnetic Resonance Data – Orinoco Belt, Eastern Venezuela. First International Oil Conference and Exhibition in Mexico, 31 August – 2 September, 2006, Cancun, Mexico.
24. Hinkle A., Batzle M. Heavy Oil. A worldwide overview. The Leading Edge, V. 125, № 6, p. 742–749, June 2006.
25. JPT Online. Fiber optic tool continuously logs temperature in complex, multilateral wells, in Management, Reservoir, 2007. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Fiber+optic+tool+continuosly+logs+temperature+in+complex%2C+multilateral+wells&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&fp=dMlfxuRvj0I
26. Kendall R. Using Timelapse Seismic to Monitor the THAITM Heavy Oil Production Process. Frontiers+Innovation, 2009 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention, p. 538–542, 2009. http://www.geoconvention.org/2009abstracts/186.pdf
27. Krawchuk P., Beshry M. A., Brown G. A., Brough B. SPE 102159. Predicting the Flow Distribution on Total E&P Canada’s Joslyn Project Horizontal SAGD Producing Wells Using Permanently Installed Fiber Optic Monitoring. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, September 24–27, 2006.
28. Lapene A., Castaniet L. M., Debenest G., Quintard M., Kamp L. M., Corre B. Effect of Steam on Heavy Oil Combustion. SPE Reservoir Evaluatopn & Engineering, V. 12, № 4, p. 508–517, August, 2009.
29. Li Q., Liu C. B., Maeso C., Wu P., Smits J., Prabawa H. Automated Interpretation for LWD Propagation Resistivity Tools through Integrated Model Selection. SPWLA 44th Annual Logging Symposium, paper UU, June 22–25, 2003.
30. Li Q., Omeragic D., Chou L., Yang L., Duong K., Smits J., Yang J., Lau T. Liu C. B., Dworak R., Dreuillault V., Ye H. New Directional Electromagnetic Tool for Proactive Geosteering and Accurate Formation Evaluation while Drilling. SPWLA 46th.
31. Lines L., Zou Y., Embleton J. Reservoir Characterization and Heavy Oil Production. CSEG Recorder, January 2005, p. 26–29.
32. Liu C., Sun B., Wild T., Van Dalen S. The HIa Method and the Integrated Work Flow for Estimating In-Situ Heavy Oil Viscosity with NMR and Conventional Logs. SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, paper T, June 3–6, 2007. Annual Logging Symposium, paper UU, June 26–29, 2005.
33. Marin A., Bornia O., Pinguet B. Heavy lifting solved in Venezuela, E&P, November 1, 2008, on-line version. http://www.epmag.com/Magazine/2008/11/item16959.php
34. Mehdi Zadeh H., Srivastava R. P., Vedanti N., Landra M. Seismic monitoring of in-situ combustion in the Balol heavy oil field. SEG, San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting, p. 2878–2828, 2007. http://www.ipt.ntnu.no/~hosseim/archive/seg07.pdf
35. Mirotchnik K. D., Allsopp K., Kantzas A., Curwen D., Badry R. Low-field NMR Method for Bitumen Sands Characterization: A New Approach. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, V. 4, № 2, p. 88–96, April 2001.
36. Montero J., Salazar N., Fiondyga T., Reyes K. SPE 112863. First Production Log Run in a Heavy-Oil Long-Horizontal Well through a Y-Tool and Premium Screens. SPE/ICoTA Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition, Woodlands, Texas, 1–2 April 2008.
37. Munroe N. U. S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. Solvent Based Enhanced Oil Recovery for In-situ Upgrading of Heavy Oil. Final Technical Report, June 2009.
38. Nicot B., Fleury M., Leblond J. Improvement of Viscosity Prediction Using NMR Relaxation. SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, paper U, June 3–6, 2007.
39. Oscouie P., Nezhad T. Mechanism of Oil Recovery by Non-Hydrocarbon Gas Injection. On-line publication. http://www.ripi.ri/congress13/mechanism/pdf
40. Perez J. C., Rodriguez H. Rivera C., Cumbe C., Pinguet B., Gonsalves E. The Benefit of Multiphase Meter for Production Monitoring and Reservoir Optimization. 7th International South East Asia Hydrocarbon Flow Measurement Workshop, March 2008, Production and Upstream Flow Measurement Workshop, February 2008. http://www.tuvnel.com/events/THAW%20Abstracts/A-5.pdf
41. Picha M. S. SPE 105425. Enhanced Oil Recovery by Hot CO2 Flooding. 15th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Bahrane, 11–14 March, 2007.
42. Rangel-German E. R., Camacho-Romero S., Neri-Flores U. SPE 104046-MS. Thermal Simulation and Economic Evaluation of Heavy-Oil Projects. First International Oil Conference and Exhibition in Mexico, 31 August – 2 September, 2006, Cancun, Mexico.
43. Samir M. A., Elnashar I., Scimitar, Samuel M., Jemmali M. Smart Chemical Systems of High-Water Cut Heavy Oil Wells. SPE 116746-MS. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21–24 September, 2008.
44. Schlumberger press-release. Vx Technology in Unconventional Oil, 2007. http://www.slb.com/media/services/testing/multiphase/vxtech_oil_ps.pdf
45. Schlumberger, on-line. Screening Study Determines Optimal Heavy Oil Recovery Technique. Case Study: Schlumberger heavy oil technology and expertise helps BP optimize heavy oil development approach in Alaska, 2007. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/casestudies/dcs/hobpaka_cs2.pdf
46. Schlumberger, on-line release. Identify Orinoco Heavy Oil Reservoirs and Water-Producing Zones. 2008. http://www.slb.com/content/services/resources/casestudies/evaluation/mrscanner_identify_cs.asp
47. Schlumberger, on-line brochure. Vx Technology. Multiphase flow rate measurements without fluid separation. September 2007. http://www.slb.com/media/services/testing/multiphase/vx_tecnology_brochure.pdf
48. Seccomb J., Akkurt R. Smith M., Bonnie R. J. M. Ranking Oil Viscosity in Heavy Oil Reservoirs. SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, paper EE, June 3–6, 2007.
49. Seifert D. J., Al-Dossari S., Burinda B. J., Kellet S. SPE 93392. Application of Formation Testing while Drilling in the Middle East. 14th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Bahrain, 12–15 March, 2005.
50. Shray F. Expert view point – Logging in heavy oil. On-line press release. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/expert-viewpoint-logging-in-heavy-oil
51. Sponchia B., Emerson B., Johnson J. Intelligent Multilateral Wells Provide Significant Benefits in Environments Ranging From Heavy-Oil Shallow Offshore Wells to Difficult Subsea Well Construction. OTC 17867, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 1–4 May, 2006.
52. Sun B., Dunn K. J., LaTorraca G. A., Liu C., Menard G. Apparent Hydrogen Index and Its Correlation with Heavy Oil Viscosity. SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, paper R, June 3–6, 2007.
53. Tan J. F., Bland H. C., Stewart R. R. Passive seismic event classification techniques applied to heavy oil production from Cold Lake, Alberta. Let it Flow, 2007 CSPG CSEG Convention, 2007. http://www.cspg.org/conventions/abstracts/2007abstracts/144S0131.pdf.
54. Theuveny B., Walker J. Flow meters enhance well test data. E&P, November 1, 2001, on-line version. http://www.epmag.com/archives/features/3500.htm
55. Varhaug. Fiber Optics Shines Light on Temperatures in Heavy Oil Producer. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/fiber-optics-shines-light-on-temperatures-in-heavy-oil-producer
56. Wang T., Lines L., Embleton J. Seismic Monitoring of Cold Heavy Oil Production. Let it Flow, 2007 CSPG CSEG Convention, p. 662–663, 2007. http://www.cspg.org/conventions/abstracts/2007abstracts/229S0131.pdf
57. Wright D., Ziolkowsky A., Hobbs B. Hydrocarbon detection and monitoring with a multicomponent transient electromagnetic (MTEM) survey. The Leading Edge, issue 21, September 2002, p. 852–864.
58. Yazdani A. J., Maini B. B. SPE 101684. Further Investigation of Drainage-Height Effect on Production Rate in Vapex. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 24–27 September, 2006.

S. M. Akselrod
problems in heavy oil and bitumen fields development (based on foreign publications)

Modern methods for heavy oil and bitumen sandstones field development have been discussed. In situ oil viscosity evaluation techniques have been described. The current state of and projects for the development of the downhole and surface techniques for heavy oil production events monitoring have been estimated.
Key words: heavy oil, bitumen, viscosity, density, monitoring, steam, development, geophysical surveys / well logging.
1. Akseljrod S. M. Issledovaniya profilya pritoka v gorizontaljnihkh skvazhinakh (po materialam amerikanskoyj pechati) // NTV “Karotazhnik”. Tverj: Izd. AIS. 2005. Vihp. 132–133. S. 300–335.
2. Akseljrod S. M. Optiko-volokonnaya tekhnologiya pri geofizicheskikh issledovaniyakh v skvazhinakh // NTV “Karotazhnik”. Tverj: Izd. AIS. 2006. Vihp. 142. S. 104–141.
3. Akseljrod S. M. Mnogomernihe YaMR-issledovaniya razrezov skvazhin (po materialam publikaciyj v amerikanskoyj literature) // NTV “Karotazhnik”. Tverj: Izd. AIS. 2008. Vihp. 172. S. 84–123.
4. Alboudwarej H. et al. Highlighting Heavy Oil. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, V. 18, № 2, p. 34–53, Summer 2006. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors06/sum06/heavy_oil.pdf
5. Akkurt R., Seifert D., Al-Harbi A., Al-Beaiji T. M., Kruspe T., Thern H., Kroken A. Real-Time Detection of Tar in Carbonates Using LWD Triple Combo, NMR and Formation Tester in Highly-Deviated Wells. SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, paper XXX, May 25–28, 2008.
6. Al-Asimi M., Butler G., Brown G., Hartog A., Cosad T., Fitzgerald J., Navarro J., Gabb A., Ingham J., Kimminau S., Smith J., Stefenson K. Advances in Well and Reservoir Surveillance. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Winter 2002/2003, p. 14–35. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors02/p14 _35.pdf
7. Atkinson J., Berard M., Conort G., Groves J., Lowe T., McDiarmid A., Mehdizade P., Perciot P., Pinguot B., Williamson K. A New Horizon in Multiphase Flow Measurement. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Winter 2004/2005, p. 52–63. http://www.slb.com/media/services/resources/oilfieldreview/ors04/win04/05_multiphase_flow.pdf
8. Barreto W., Hill A. Heavy oil testing in deepwater wells – How can the latest technology and processes be best applied for testing success? On-line press release. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/heavy-oil-testing-in-deepwater-wells
9. Belani A. It is Time for an Industry Initiative on Heavy Oil. Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 58, № 6, p. 40–42, 2006.
10. Bouchard M. Expert Viewpoint – Flow Control. On-line press release, February 2008. http://www.heavyoilinfo.com/feature_items/expert-viewpont-2013-flow-control
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