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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
They have been down before with server problems, but come back. They aren't poor; they make a lot of money from advertising. They are usually in the top 150 on the entire internet. Mininova has been as high as 9 and they are also from Russia.


(click UK flag for english pages)






Hundreds more.

I have contacts in China that I use to get almost anything.
Can't give those out.

However, the best way to find sites is to Google the Title
that you are seeking in quotations marks, with the name of
the largest file sharer (rapidshare) beside it. If anyone
asks for personal information, its a scam. As for books,
only 1 in 20 of those reviewed in the NYTBR or TLS finds its
way on the internet. Scanned copies of most non fiction titles are available in China and Russia. These are rarely posted, because they are of less quality than ebooks. Students from those countries have copies of books that most US students could neither afford nor attain on short notice. In those countries, first year university students have the materials for Phd research. A huge knowledge gap is growing.
4 days ago

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