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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.08 05:58. Заголовок: Коллекция полезных ссылок на наши библиотеки ;-)

... s on national methods of treatment, 190 professional photos of colours, references on grasses. An exclusive subscription to a monthly journal "the Hope Bulletin". Unique medicinal gathering of 99 names and a grass.

171 <http://user.transit.ru / ~ maria> - Orthodox Church Bozhiej of Mother Majestic, is the review of independent Christian journalism, more than 30 spiritual books for free using, and also the information on Church history.
172 <http://vehi.narod.ru/> - "Marks" - library Russian religious-philosophical and fiction.
173 <http://swami.ru/> - a selection of author's books of Vladimir Antonova on a theme of a spiritual way, self-improvement.
174 <http://www.istok.ru> - the greatest library of the Jewish books.

The biographic:
175 <http://www.s9.com/biography/> - the dictionary contains data about more than 27 thousand inhabitants of the Earth which has left a trace in various areas of a life, since the Ancient world and finishing the present. Search in a name, keywords and dates is possible. There is a form of profound inquiry. Language - English.
176 <http://www.biography.com/find/index.html> - a biographic database on company Biography server. Short data about more than 20 thousand persons, since heroes of the Ancient world and finishing figures of the present from the different countries contain. Search is possible on a full name or only on a surname of the person. Language - English.
177 <http://www.biography.com> - the biographic directory contains more than 20 000 personnel. Language - English.

The nature, ecology:
178 <http://www.ecoline.ru/books/> - on-line library of the ecological literature: books, the periodical press.
179 <http://kalanov.mcom.ru/> - the sea library is devoted everything, that is connected with sea culture, history and lexicon of seamen, fishermen and other workers of the sea.

Mirrors of library of Moshkov:

180 <http://www.parkline.ru/Library/koi/>
181 <http://kulichki.rambler.ru/moshkow/>
182 <http://mirror.primorye.ru/moshkow/koi/>
183 <http://moshkow.aaanet.ru/koi/>
184 <http://moshkow.rsl.ru/koi/>
185 <http://www.alkar.net/moshkow/html-KOI/>
186 <http://www.kuzbass.ru/moshkow/koi/>
187 <http://guernsey.et.tudelft.nl/cgi-bin/html-KOI/>
188 <http://www2.nikopol.net/moshkow/koi/>
189 <http://www.gss.ru/moshkow/koi/>
190 <http://moshkow.perm.ru/koi/>
191 <http://compulib.power.belabm.by/koi/>
192 <http://www.ssau.ru/cgi-bin/MMlibrary/html-KOI/>
193 <http://www.ase.ee/moshkow/koi/>
194 <http://www.rian.bryansk.ru/Library/koi/>
195 <http://mml.linkor.ru/koi/>
196 <http://moshkow.mslu.unibel.by/Library/koi/>
197 <http://www.bryansk.ru/moshkow/koi/>
198 <http://www.lib.kg/library/koi/>
199 <http://library.akcecc.kiev.ua/moshkow/koi/>
200 <http://www.neystadt.org/moshkow/koi/>
201 <http://handel.u-paris10.fr/cgi-bin/koi/>
202 <http://lx5cmd.inp.nsk.su/library/koi/>
203 <http://moshkow.surgut.ru/library/koi/>
204 <http://www.ors.kirov.ru/library/koi/>
205 <http://www.intes.odessa.ua/library/moshkow/koi/>
206 <http://moshkow.donetsk.ua/koi/>
207 <http://www.pool-7.ru/moshkow/koi/>
208 <http://lib.novgorod.net/>
209 <http://www.g2.ru/library/koi/>
210 <http://www.nur.yamal.ru/library/koi/>
211 <http://www.belpsb.minsk.by/moshkow/koi/>
212 <http://library.uic.nnov.ru/>
213 <http://www2.eunet.lv/library/koi/>
214 <http://www.odessa.net/moshkow/koi/>
215 <http://www.r-isp.net/library/koi/>
216 <http://www.web.am/library/koi/>
217 <http://moshkow.wsnet.ru/koi/>

Thematic libraries:
218 <http://www.museum.ru/museum/1812/Library/>
Historical researches about war of 1812, memoirs and fiction.
219 <http://ak.csp.mplik.ru/>
Small collection of products of Russian classics and modern writers.
220 <http://www.nsu.ru/psych/internet/bits/text_frm.htm>
The best collection of the psychological literature in Russian.
221 <http://vladivostok.com/Speaking_In_Tongues>
The modern foreign literature in new transfers.
222 <http://kulichki.rambler.ru/sf/books/>
The Russian fantastic literature of the XX-th century.
223 <http://www.fbit.ru/free/myth>
Myths of ancient Ireland and the Scandinavian legends.
224 <http://www.online.ru/sp/eel/russian/>
The Russian literature XIX-has begun the XX-th centuries.
D.Satina's scientifically - psychological literature
The big selection of the psychological literature, and small - art.
225 <http://www.ipclub.ru/biblio>
Prose and verses of young writers.
226 <http://www.citycat.ru/litlib/cbibl_. html>
The greatest in a network of a collection of texts Main Read and Sholom-Alejhema, and as products of many other things of authors.
226 <http://litera.ru/stixiya/>
Russian poetry, classical and modern, texts more than 150 poets.
227 <http://www.simplex.ru/lit.html>
Very big collection of references to texts and periodicals.
228 <http://www.express.irk.ru/pub/rel/index.htm>
Sacred books of the largest religions and critiques.
229 <http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/1502>
English poetry of the XVI-XX-th centuries in Russian translations.
230 <http://www.aviso.com.ua/blat/>
The richest collection of "criminal" songs with the appendix of set of variants.
231 <http://xray.sai.msu.su / ~ lipunov/text/misl/misl.html>
Philosophical compositions of classics - from Dostoevsky to Bakhtin.
232 <http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/>
The Russian classics, modern fantasy and materials on history.
233 <http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9997/>
Articles about communism and I.Efremova's full collected works.
234 <http://nmsf.sscc.ru/Welcome.asp>
Fantasy of the Russian and foreign authors.
235 <http://lib.dvgu.ru / ~ andreypa/library/>
Technical, scientific and fiction.
236 <http://www.vysotsky.hobby.ru/>
Considerable quantity of poems.
237 <http://www.halyava.ru/petals/>
The Japanese literature, classical and modern.
238 <http://library.komkon.org/>
Books in Russian and English languages.
239 <http://www.wco.ru/biblio/>
Sacred books, texts of fathers of church and modern apologists of Christianity.
240 <http://poet.da.ru/>
Selection of poems enough known modern poets.
241 <http://www.samisdat.aha.ru/>
Independent network editions.
242 <http://www.lgg.ru / ~ rome/>
Texts of the Greek classics - in Russian, Roman - on a source language and weight of the rare information on history of Ancient Rome.
243 <http://vasiliy.ask-design.com/Witchcraft/>
Marginal culture of the Middle Ages and fragments well-known "the Hammer of Witches" Shpengler and Isystoris.
244 <http://const.ricor.ru / ~ garden/>
The literature of the Ancient East in Russian translations.
245 <http://www.openweb.ru/windows/stepanov/library.htm>
Specialised search system.
246 <http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/... et.archive.html>
The facsimile of documents after Russian history of the XX-th century and the comment (in English).
247 <http://www.judaica.ru/russian/index.html>
Transfer with the comment of fragments of the Talmud, texts on secular and religious history of Jews, and various help materials.
248 <http://ok.zhitinsky.spb.ru/library/>
Russian writers - inhabitants of St.-Petersburg.
249 <http://www.chat.ru / ~ ellib/full_index.html>
Very big collection of art and philosophical texts.
250 <http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/3531/>
Primary sources and researches on medieval divinity.
251 <http://www.infoline.ru/g23/9750/apokall.htm>
Revelation from John with comments.
252 <http://www.ipmce.su / ~ igor/>
The big collection of poems and prosaic products of Russian and foreign poets.
253 <http://www.sci-nnov.ru / ~ phil/stolik/>
Selection of various art and publicistic texts. Well-known "Parnassus on end".
254 <http://members.tripod.com / ~ sesna/egypt/>
Scientific researches and primary sources.
255 <http://www.medialingua.ru/leisure/leisure.htm>
"History of the Athenian democracy" L.A.Ostermana.
256 <http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/4794/arts-Lyric.html>
Poetic library.
257 <http://www.ksp.krsk.ru/>
The greatest collection of texts of an author's song in Russian Cети.
258 <http://www.rusweb.spb.ru/love_files/>
Young writers - about love.
259 <http://users.kaluga.ru/kosmorama/>
Collected works Rosanoff, articles about it its creativity, memoirs of contemporaries.
260 <http://www.sympad.net/>
Texts in Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian and English languages.
261 <http://www.nevapress.spb.ru/japan>
Classical poetry and fairy tales of Japan.
262 <http://literature.gothic.ru/>
Gothic style in products of classics, modern writers and beginning writers.
263 <http://stratum.pstu.ac.ru:82/library>
Art and reference books, dictionaries, maps.
264 <http://www.millennium.ru:8080/2001/biblio/index.html>
Books about the future.
265 <http://www.crc.pomorsu.ru/Science/Library/Library.htm>
Classical philosophical texts and articles of modern scientists.
266 <http://www.namdar.dircon.co.uk/>
Classical Russian poetry and prose.
267 <http://www.philosophy.ru/>
Books on philosophy from antiquity about our days.
268 <http://www.aha.ru / ~ zotikov/startJ.ht>
Fragments of the books which have been let out by publishing house Zotikova.
269 <http://www.novoch.ru/alman/library/index.html>
Echart, the Frying pan, Ignaty Bryanchaninov, pseudo-dionisy.
270 <http://www.whitehall.ru/noskoff/>
Magnificent selection of Russian poetry - Khodasevich, Annensky, Vaghinoff, and also articles of the founder of the project and other materials.
271 <http://www.lib.msu.su/> Moscow State University library
272 <http://kr.virtualave.net/library/library.htm>
Fromm, Raych, Camu, Marcusee and companion Mao.
273 <http://www.sim.da.ru/>
Fashionable postmodernists. In particular, Barns.
274 <http://pvcentre.webjump.com/>
Oriental studies - articles and transfers.
275 <http://bliss.raduga.ru/lib.htm>
Books on success psychology.
276 <http://www.knet.ru/xlibris/library.html>
A little Russian poetry of the Silver age, and also detectives, a fantasy, a literary forum. To the known appendix to NG no relation has.
277 <http://www.litera.ru/www.newtech.ru / ~ stihija>
Texts of modern amateur poets and competition with visitors as judges. Not to confuse to Maria Shkolnikovoj's "Elements"!
278 <http://www.guelman.ru/frei/dictant/>
The Russian literature in Lithuania.
279 <http://www.astrologos.ru/AstroLogos_Library/>
Classical and modern texts on astrologies.
280 <http://www.rql.kiev.ua/kurgan/>
Materials on pre-Christian culture of Slavs.
281 <http://bestlibrary.org.ru/> the Fantasy, detectives, historical novels. Female - they "love" - it seems, no.
282 <http://ritmpress.sinaps.ru/art/books>
Extensive selection of classical art texts.
283 <http://www.heretics.com/library/index.htm>
Collection of rare sources on religion history.
284 <http://www.ints.ru / ~ le/>
Texts of Russian, Soviet and foreign poets.
285 <http://slovo.and.ru/>
Aphorisms, proverbs, riddles and other.
286 <http://crp.rmc.spb.ru/>
Poems of modern poets.
287 <http://www.yabloko.ru/News/p-9805.html>
A quantity of verses of Russian poets, basically - the XX-th century beginnings.
288 <http://www.doktor.ru/latin/index.htm>
Latin aphorisms and epigrams, texts of classics, medieval Latin texts.
289 <http://if-site.com / _ xdays/>
Classics and contemporaries - about holidays and for holidays.
290 <http://www.encyclopaedia.ru/index.html>
Databases under encyclopaedias and weight of the bibliographic information.
291 <http://www.artofwar.spb.ru/>
Poetry and prose of participants of last wars.
292 <http://heart-to-heart.hobby.ru/foreign.htm>
English, Spanish, Ukrainian and Belarus verses - in transfers and in the original.
293 <http://www.om-express.ru / ~ nem/bibl.htm>
A quantity of Russian and translation fiction.
294 <http://www.holmogorov.rossia.org:8101/libr/>
Books on history, philosophy and divinity.
295 <http://www.lgg.ru / ~ din/library/>
Russian poetry of the XX-th century.
296 <http://liberte.da.ru/>
Books and articles about Great French revolution.
297 <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/2689/index_ru.html>
Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine.
298 <http://mig.htmlplanet.com/>
Foreign press in Russian.
299 <http://grustno.hobby.ru/>
Modern Russian poetry.
300 <http://heart-to-heart.hobby.ru/index.htm>
Verses and prose of modern writers.
301 <http://www.rudisc.ru/MP/RU/0.html>
302 <http://members.xoom.com/silverages/main.html>
Silver age.

And a site devoted to libraries on the Internet
303 <http://www.cnb.dvo.ru/links.htm>

304 <http://www.e-book.com.au> - A U S T R A L I A N E - B O O K N E W S L E T T E R. News in the world of digital books.
305 <http://www.e-book.com.au/freebooks.htm> - IT IS A LOT OF REFERENCES TO ENGLISH LIBRARIES

Mathematics and physics

306 <http://elib.catalysis.nsk.su/elib/sci-lib/... _main_page.html>
Contains the scanned books on the mathematician, the physicist, inorganic chemistry in Russian and English languages. Basic format DjVu (it is enough to download a plug-in also it is possible to look through in any browser).

307 <http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/>
On a page full texts of freely extended books on the mathematician, given by authors and publishing houses (whenever possible in the form of dummies with initial texts), and also notes of lectures, collections of problems, programs of courses, etc. settle down

308 <>
Meeting of books on the mathematician in a format pdf. The basic themes: calculus of variations, mechanics of a firm body, thermodynamics, асимптотические methods, the matrix analysis, calculations on the computer.

309 <http://www.vilenin.narod.ru/Mm/Books/Books.htm>
Considerable quantity of books on the mathematician and the physicist: the mathematical analysis, the differential equations, differential geometry and topology, a floor-mat. Physics, the theoretical mechanics, the theory of fluctuations, stability and accidents etc. Only 212 names. Such impression, that the person has scanned all house scientific library. Not all books are accessible to direct downloading, but the author promises to spread them at the desire of visitors.

310 <http://djvu-lib.narod.ru/index-all.html>
Meeting of books in such directions: mathematics, computer science (Theoretical Computer Science), cybernetics and an artificial intellect, algebra, geometry, the probability and statistican theory, radio electronics, the theory of signals and noise, the information and coding theory. In plans creation of sections of the Physicist and Chemistry. It is expected, while not so it is a lot of books.

311 <http://www.phys-campus.bspu.secna.ru/db/tsect/1049861159>
Books on the physicist and astronomy.

312 < act=lib&d =/5>
The scanned books on natural sciences: to the physicist, the mathematician, astronomy, biology, geology etc.

313 <http://ftp.kinetics.nsc.ru/chichinin/rbooks.htm>
Big enough meeting of books accessible to downloading in chemistry and the chemical physics. Also there are books on physics, mathematics and programming.

314 <>
Following instructions on this and the subsequent pages, showing sharpness and patience, you eventually will reach to enough big meeting of books on the mathematician and the physicist.

315 <http://fnmath.chat.ru/rumath/urls-rus.html>
References to separately laying books and teaching materials on the mathematician.

316 <http://www.mccme.ru/mmmf-lectures/books/books/books.php>
Full texts of books of a series "Library" Mathematical education "in a format pdf.

317 <http://plm.mccme.ru/>
The scanned brochures of a Series "Popular lectures on mathematics" in formats TIFF and djvu.

318 <http://vivovoco.nns.ru/VV/Q_PROJECT/Q_LIB.HTM>
Books from a series "Library" Quantum ". While only a few releases are accessible.

319 <http://www.scintific.narod.ru/nlib>
More than fifty books on nonlinear dynamics and the connected disciplines (to the theory of fluctuations and waves, cinergetics and self-organising, etc.). Books in Russian and English languages.

320 <http://physmag.h1.ru/library.html>
The literature on the quantum mechanics.

321 <http://www.nature.ru/db/section_page.html? ext_sec=190400000>
All sites entering into the Scientific network contain a number of obligatory sections and among them "Book" section. On this page there is a catalogue of all books presented there from different sites.

322 <http://fizmatlit.narod.ru/webrary/index.htm>

323 <http://phys.web.ru/db/section_page.html? ext_sec=190400000>
Some books and manuals on the physicist.

324 <http://graphics.cs.msu.su/ru/library/index.html>
Books, methodical grants and abstracts of lectures on the computer drawing, processing of images, to computer sight, computing geometry.

325 <http://ega-math.narod.ru/>
Some books on the mathematician are laid out. Besides, there is a number of books with biographies or memoirs of mathematicians, articles from magazine the quantum, popular articles on the mathematician.

Trifles do not play a main role, they solve all!
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