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Статьи Herrmann вокруг перколяции, фракталов, упаковок и дюн
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1. HERRMANN H.J., Similarity laws for the density profile of percolation clusters and lattice animals, Z. Phys. B35, 335-337 (1979)
2. HERRMANN H.J., Monte Carlo simulation of the three dimensional Potts model, Z. Phys. B35, 171-175 (1979)
3. ESCHBACH P.D., STAUFFER D., HERRMANN H.J., Correlation length exponent in two dimensional percolation and Potts model, Phys. Rev. B23, 422-425 (1981)
4. ZORN R., HERRMANN H.J., REBBI C., Tests of the multi-spin-coding technique in Monte Carlo simulations of statistical systems, Comp. Phys. Comm. 23, 337-342 (1981)
5. HERRMANN H.J., Exponents and logarithms of the Potts model through a 1D quantum Hamiltonian, Z. Phys. B43, 55-60 (1981)
6. HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., STAUFFER D., New universality class for kinetic gelation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 412-415 (1982)
7. HERRMANN H.J., RASMUSSEN E.B., LANDAU D.P., Computer simulation studies of three dimensional tricritical behavior, J. Appl. Phys. 53, 7994-7996 (1982)
8. MARGOLINA A., HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., Size of largest and second-largest cluster in random percolation, Phys. Lett. A93, 73-75 (1982)
9. BANSIL R., HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., Kinetic percolation with mobile monomers and solvent as a model for gelation, J. Polymer Sci. 73, 175-180 (1985)
10. RUSHTON A., FAMILY F., HERRMANN H.J., Gelation by additive polymerisation in two dimensions, J. Polymer Sci. 73, 1-5 (1985)
11. DERRIDA B., HERRMANN H.J., Collapse of branched polymers, J. Physique 44, 1365-1376 (1983)
12. HERRMANN H.J., MARTIN H.O., Critical behavior of a (1+1) dimensional Potts model with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions, J. Phys. A17, 657-665 (1984)
13. DERRIDA B., STAUFFER D., HERRMANN H.J., VANNIMENUS J., Transfer matrix calculation of conductivity in three-dimensional random resistor networks at percolation threshold, J. Physique Lett. 44, L701-L706 (1983)
14. HERRMANN H.J., FAMILY F., STANLEY H.E., Position-space renormalization group for directed branched polymers, J. Phys. A16, L375-L379 (1983)
15. HERRMANN H.J., Finite size scaling approach to a metamagnetic model in two dimensions, Phys. Lett. A100, 256-258 (1984)
16. HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., Corrections to scaling and finite size effects, Phys. Lett. A100, 366-369 (1984)
17. HERRMANN H.J., The moles' labyrinth : a growth model, J. Phys. A16, L611-L616 (1983)
18. FESSER K, HERRMANN H.J., The asymmetric clock model on a Cayley tree, J. Phys. A17, 1493-1507 (1984)
19. HERRMANN H.J., HONG D.C., STANLEY H.E., Backbone and elastic backbone of percolation clusters obtained by the new method of "burning", J. Phys. A17, L261-L266 (1984)
20. HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., LANDAU D.P., Computer simulation of a model for irreversible gelation, J. Phys. A16, 1221-1239 (1983)
21. HERRMANN H.J., DERRIDA B., VANNIMENUS J., Superconductivity exponent in two- and three-dimensional percolation, Phys. Rev. B30, 4080-4082 (1984)
22. HERRMANN H.J., Addition polymerization and related models, in Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation, eds. Family F., Landau D.P., (Elsevier, 1984), pp. 37-41
23. KOLB M., HERRMANN H.J., The sol-gel transition modelled by irreversible aggregation of clusters, J. Phys. A18, L435-L441 (1985)
24. HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., Building blocks of percolation clusters: volatile fractals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1121-1124 (1984)
25. MATTHEWS-MORGAN D., LANDAU D.P., HERRMANN H.J., Effects of solvent in a kinetic gelation model, Phys. Rev. B29, 6328-6334 (1984)
26. MARGOLINA A., HERRMANN H.J., On finite-size scaling of the order parameter in percolation, Phys. Lett. A104, 295-298 (1984)
27. BANSIL R., HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., Computer simulation of kinetics of gelation by addition polymerization in a solvent, Macromolecules 17, 998-1004 (1984)
28. CHHABRA A., MATTHEWS-MORGAN D., LANDAU D.P., HERRMANN H.J., Oscillations and scaling in the cluster size distribution for kinetic gelation, J. Phys. A18, L575-L578 (1985)
29. HERRMANN H.J., JULLIEN R., L'agrégation et la gélation: lois d'échelles pour la croissance d'amas, Les Images de la Physique, Suppl. 59, 12-15 (1985)
30. HONG D.C., HAVLIN S., HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., Breakdown of Alexander-Orbach conjecture for percolation : exact enumeration of random walks on percolation backbones, Phys. Rev. B30, 4083-4086 (1984)
31. JULLIEN R., KOLB M., HERRMANN H.J., VANNIMENUS J., CECAM-Workshop on kinetic models for cluster formation, J. Stat. Phys. 39, 241-258 (1985)
32. DE ARCANGELIS L., REDNER S., HERRMANN H.J., A random fuse model for breaking processes, J. Physique Lett. 46, L585-L590 (1985)
33. HAYOT F., HERRMANN H.J., NORMAND J.-M., FARTHOUAT P., MUR M., A special purpose computer for the electrical conductivity of disordered media, J. Comp. Phys. 64, 380-388 (1986) and Lecture Notes in Physics No.240, pp. 172-183
34. HERRMANN H.J., Numerical simulation of percolation and other gelation models, in Physics of finely divided matter, eds. Boccara N., Daoud M., (Springer, Berlin, 1985), pp. 102-106
35. HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., On the growth of percolation clusters: the effect of time correlations, Z. Physik B60, 165-170 (1985)
36. BUNDE A., HERRMANN H.J., MARGOLINA A., STANLEY H.E., Universality classes for spreading phenomena: a new model with fixed static but continuously tunable kinetic exponents, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 653-656 (1985)
37. BUNDE A., HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., The shell model: a growth model with a tunable fraction of forgotten growth sites, J. Phys. A18, L523-L529 (1985)
38. HERRMANN H.J., Geometrical cluster growth models and kinetic gelation, Phys. Reports 136, 153-227 (1986)
39. HILHORST H.J., HERRMANN H.J., Spezialcomputer in der Physik, Physik. Bl. 42, 52-55 (1986)
40. HERRMANN H.J., Growth : an introduction, in On Growth and Forms : Fractal and Non-Fractal Patterns in Physics, eds. Stanley H.E., Ostrowski N., (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986), pp. 3-20
41. KOLB M., BOTET R., JULLIEN R., HERRMANN H.J., Flocculation and gelation in cluster aggregation, in On Growth and Forms : Fractal and Non-Fractal Patterns in Physics, eds. Stanley H.E., Ostrowski N., (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986), pp. 222-226
42. BAHADUR N., HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., Anomalous diffusion of kinetic gelation clusters in three dimensions, J. Phys. A20, L147-L152 (1987)
43. KERTESZ J., HERRMANN H.J., Percolation of hypersurfaces and finite-size scaling, J. Phys. A18, L1109-L1112 (1985)
44. CHHABRA A., MATTHEWS-MORGAN D., LANDAU D.P., HERRMANN H.J., Critical behavior of a three-dimensional kinetic gelation model, Phys. Rev. B34, 4796-4806 (1986)
45. HERRMANN H.J., Some selected topics from critical phenomena, in Critical Phenomena Phase Transitions Supersymmetry (LASP-85), eds. Millan J., Prieto P., (Cali, Colombia, 1985), pp. 1-84
46. BANSIL R., CARVALHO B., HERRMANN H.J., Clusters and fractals in three-dimensional kinetic gelation in the presence of a mobile solvent, J. Phys. A18, L159-L163 (1985)
47. HERRMANN H.J., Fast algorithm for the simulation of Ising models, J. Stat. Phys. 45, 145-151 (1986)
48. HERRMANN H.J., STAUFFER D., ROUX S., Violation of linear elasticity due to randomness, Europhys. Lett. 3, 265-267 (1987)
49. ROUX S., STAUFFER D., HERRMANN H.J., Simulation of disordered systems of cylinders. I. Geometrical behaviour, J. Physique 48, 341-345 (1987)
50. STAUFFER D., HERRMANN H.J., ROUX S., Simulation of disordered systems of cylinders II. Mechanical behavior, J. Physique 48, 347-351 (1987)
51. HERRMANN H.J., KOLB M., Irreversible aggregation of clusters at high density, J. Phys. A19, L1027-L1031 (1986)
52. HERRMANN H.J., Special purpose computers in statistical physics, Physica A104, 421-427 (1986)
53. COSTA U.M.S., HERRMANN H.J., Energy transport in a cellular automaton, J. Stat. Phys. 47, 597-602 (1987)
54. ROUX S., HERRMANN H.J., Disorder induced non-linear conductivity, Europhys. Lett. 4, 1227-1232 (1987)
55. JAN N., CONIGLIO A., HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., LEYVRAZ F., STANLEY H.E., On the relation of kinetic gelation and percolation, J. Phys. A19, L399-L404 (1986)
56. HERRMANN H.J., Comment on ``Fractons and the fractal structure of proteins'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2432 (1986)
57. BANSIL R., WILLINGS M., HERRMANN H.J., Spatial correlations in kinetic gelation, J. Phys. A19, L1209-L1213 (1986)
58. HERRMANN H.J., Mechanical properties of disordered media, Philos. Mag. B56, 935-940 (1987)
59. KOLB M., HERRMANN H.J., Surface fractals in irreversible aggregation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 454-457 (1987)
60. KIM D.Y., HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., Percolation on a random lattice, Phys. Rev. B35, 3661-3662 (1987)
61. ZABOLITZKY J.G., HERRMANN H.J., Multitasking case study on the Cray-2: The Q2R cellular automaton, J. Comp. Phys. 76, 426-447 (1988)
62. ROUX S., HERRMANN H.J., HANSEN A., GUYON E., Relation entre différents types de comportements non-linaires de réseaux désordonnés, C. R. Acad. Sci. 305, série II, 943-948 (1987)
63. HERRMANN H.J., TSALLIS C., Biogenesis and the growth of DNA-like polymer chains: a computer simulation, Physica A153, 202-216 (1988)
64. ALCARAZ F.C., HERRMANN H.J., Numerical difficulties to obtain 3-d critical exponents from platonic solids, J. Phys. A20, 5735-5736 (1987)
65. HERRMANN H.J., CARMESIN H.O., STAUFFER D., Periods and clusters in Ising cellular automata, J. Phys. A20, 4939-4948 (1987)
66. STANLEY H.E., STAUFFER D., KERTESZ J., HERRMANN H.J., Dynamics of spreading phenomena in two-dimensional Ising models, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2326-2328 (1987)
67. BAHADUR N., LANDAU D.P., HERRMANN H.J., The effect of randomness on the critical behavior of kinetic gelation, J. Phys. A21, 1729-1733 (1988)
68. HERRMANN H.J., HANSEN A., ROUX S., Fracture of disordered, elastic lattices in two dimensions, Phys. Rev. B39, 637-648 (1989)
69. NORMAND J.-M., HERRMANN H.J., HAJJAR M., Precise calculation of the dynamical exponent of two-dimensional percolation, J. Stat. Phys. 52, 441-446 (1988)
70. DA SILVA L.R., HERRMANN H.J., Damage spreading in a gradient, J. Stat. Phys. 52, 463-470 (1988)
71. DA SILVA L.R., HERRMANN H.J., LUCENA L.S., Simulations of mixtures of two Boolean cellular automata rules, Complex Systems 2, 29-37 (1988)
72. KAHNG B., BATROUNI G.G., REDNER S., de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., Electrical breakdown in a fuse network with random, continuously distributed breaking strengths, Phys. Rev. B37, 7625-7637 (1988)
73. HANSEN A., ROUX S., HERRMANN H.J., Rupture of central-force lattices, J. Physique 50, 733-744 (1989)
74. HERRMANN H.J., The hunt for universality in fracture, in Universalities in Condensed Matter. Springer Proceedings in Physics 32, eds. Jullien R., Peliti L., Rammal R., Boccara N., (Springer, Berlin, 1988), pp.132-135
75. HERRMANN H.J., Numerical results on the dynamical scaling of percolation, Phys. Scripta T25, 254-255 (1989)
76. HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., The fractal dimension of the minimum path in two- and three-dimensional percolation, J. Phys. A21, L829-L833, (1988)
77. de ARCANGELIS L., HANSEN A., HERRMANN H.J., ROUX S., Scaling laws in fracture, Phys. Rev. B40, 877-880 (1989)
78. ROUX S., HANSEN A., HERRMANN H.J., GUYON E., Rupture of heterogeneous media in the limit of infinite disorder, J. Stat. Phys. 52, 237-244 (1988)
79. CONIGLIO A., de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., Fractals and multifractals: applications in physics, Physica A157, 21-30 (1989)
80. de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., Scaling and multiscaling laws in random fuse networks, Phys. Rev. B39, 2678-2684 (1989)
81. CONIGLIO A., de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., JAN N., Exact relations between damage spreading and thermodynamical properties, Europhys. Lett. 8, 315-320 (1989)
82. HERRMANN H.J., Introduction to modern ideas on fracture patterns, in Random Fluctuations and Pattern Growth: Experiments and Models, eds. Stanley H.E., Ostrowski N., (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988), pp. 149-160
83. HERRMANN H.J., Cellular automata, in Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, ed. Proto A.N., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988), pp. 151-199
84. de ARCANGELIS L., CONIGLIO A., HERRMANN H.J., Damage spreading in spin glasses, Europhys. Lett. 9, 749-754 (1989)
85. CONIGLIO A., DAOUD M., HERRMANN H.J., Conductivity and diffusion near the percolation threshold, J. Phys. A22, 4189-4199 (1989)
86. HERRMANN H.J., KERTESZ J., de ARCANGELIS L., Fractal shapes of deterministic cracks, Europhys. Lett. 10, 147-152 (1989)
87. HERRMANN H.J., Fractal deterministic cracks, in Fractals in Physics - Essays in honour of B.B. Mandelbrot, eds. Aharony A., Feder J., Physica D38, 192-197 (1989)
88. HERRMANN H.J., Shapes of deterministic cracks obtained under shear, in Fractals - Physical Origin and Properties, ed. Pietronero L., (Plenum Press, 1990), pp. 269-276
89. de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., KOLB M., CECAM workshop on computer simulations of cellular automata, J. Stat. Phys. 55, 1333-1335 (1989)
90. de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., CONIGLIO A., Dynamical phase transition of spin glasses in a magnetic field, J. Phys. A22, 4659-4664 (1989)
91. HERRMANN H.J., Fracture patterns and scaling laws, Physica A163, 359-372 (1990)
92. HERRMANN H.J., de ARCANGELIS L., HANSEN A., ROUX S., Scaling laws and fractal patterns in fracture, in 32 Colloque de Métallurgie, (Éditions de la Revue de Métallurgie No.4, Paris, 1989), pp. 115-127
93. HERRMANN H.J., Damage spreading: a relation between magnetic systems and cellular automata, in New Trends in Magnetism, eds. M.D. Coutinho-Filho and S.M. Rezende, Recife, (World Sci, Singapore, 1989), pp. 261-276
94. MARIZ A.M., HERRMANN H.J., de ARCANGELIS L., Comparative study of damage spreading in the Ising model using heat-bath, Glauber, and Metropolis dynamics, J. Stat. Phys. 59, 1043-1050 (1990)
95. HERRMANN H.J., de ARCANGELIS L., Scaling in fracture, in Disorder and Fracture, ed. Charmet J.C., (NATO ASI Series, Plenum Press, New York, 1989), pp. 149-163
96. HERRMANN H.J., Numerical calculations of the conductivity of percolation clusters and the use of special purpose computers, in Workshop on Computational Physics and Cellular Automata, eds. Pires A., Landau D.P., Herrmann, H.J., (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), pp. 71-88
97. MARIZ A.M., HERRMANN H.J., Mixing heat-bath and Glauber dynamics: damage spreading in the Ising model, J. Phys. A22, L1081-L1084 (1989)
98. de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., CONIGLIO A., Scaling properties of the damage cloud in the 3d Ising model, J. Phys. A23, L265-L271 (1990)
99. HERRMANN H.J., Fractures, in Fractals and Disordered Systems, eds. Bunde A., Havlin S., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991), pp. 175-205
100. HERRMANN H.J., Damage spreading, in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics II, eds. Landau D.P., Mon K.K., Schüttler H.-B., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989), pp. 56-67
101. HERRMANN H.J., Introduction to basic notions and facts, in Statistical Models for the Fracture of Disordered Media, eds. Herrmann H.J., Roux S., (North-Holland, 1990), pp. 1-31
102. HERRMANN H.J., ROUX S., Modelization of fracture in disordered systems, Statistical Models for the Fracture of Disordered Media, eds, Herrmann H.J., Roux S., (North-Holland, 1990), pp. 159-188
103. HANSEN A., HINRICHSEN E.L., ROUX S., HERRMANN H.J., de ARCANGELIS L., Deterministic growth of diffusion-limited aggregation with quenched disorder, Europhys. Lett. 13, 341-347 (1990)
104. HERRMANN H.J., Damage spreading, Physica A168, 516-528 (1990)
105. HENKEL M., HERRMANN H.J., The Hamiltonian spectrum of directed percolation, J. Phys. A23, 3719-3727 (1990)
106. GALLAS J.A.C., HERRMANN H.J., Investigating an automaton of "Class 4", J. Mod. Phys. C1, 181-191 (1990)
107. NORMAND J.-M., HERRMANN H.J., Precise numerical determination of the superconducting exponent of percolation in three dimensions, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C1, 207-214 (1990)
108. de ARCANGELIS L., HERRMANN H.J., On the scaling properties of various invasion models, J. Phys. A23, L923-L928 (1990)
109. BOISSIN N., HERRMANN H.J., Gradient method for thermal phase transitions, J. Phys. A24, L43-L47 (1991)
110. HERRMANN H.J., Space-filling bearings, in NATO ASI Correlations and Connectivity , eds. Stanley H.E., Ostrowsky N., (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990), pp. 108-120
111. HERRMANN H.J., MANTICA G., BESSIS D., Space-filling bearings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 3223-3226 (1990)
112. HERRMANN H.J., Simulation of random growth processes, in The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics ed. Binder K., Topics in Applied Physics Vol.71 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992), pp.93-120
113. MANNA S.S., HERRMANN H.J., Precise determination of the fractal dimensions of Appolonian packing and space-filling bearings, J. Phys. A24, L481-L490 (1991)
114. PENG C-K., PRADASH S., HERRMANN H.J., STANLEY H.E., Randomness versus deterministic chaos: effect on invasion percolation clusters, Phys. Rev. A42, 4537-4542 (1990)
115. BOURBONNAIS R., HERRMANN H.J., VICSEK T., Calculations of kinetic roughening of self-affine interfaces with power-law noise on the connection machine, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C2, 719-734 (1991)
116. HEDE B., HERRMANN H.J., Fast simulation of the Ising model using cellular automata, J. Phys. A24, L691-L697 (1991)
117. CHOPARD B., HERRMANN H.J., VICSEK T., Structure and growth mechanism of mineral dendrites, Nature 353, 409-412 (1991)
118. HORVATH V.K., HERRMANN H.J., The fractal dimension of stress corrosion cracks, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1, 395-400 (1992)
119. GALLAS J.A.C., GRASSBERGER P., HERRMANN H.J., UEBERHOLZ P., Noisy collective behaviour in deterministic cellular automata, Physica A180, 19-41 (1991)
120. MIRANDA E.N., HERRMANN H.J., Self-organized criticality with disorder and frustration, Physica A 175, 339-344 (1991)
121. HERRMANN H.J., Les pavages d'engrenages - Une infinité de cercles tournant à la même vitesse recouvrent un plan, Pour la Science No.165, 17-18 (1991)
122. MANNA S.S., HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., A stochastic method to determine the shape of a drop on a wall, J. Stat. Phys. 66, 1155-1163 (1992)
123. HERRMANN H.J., KERTESZ J., Stability analysis of crack propagation, Physica A178, 409-412 (1991)
124. SOKOLOWSKI S., HERRMANN H.J., Dynamic phase separation of a fluid mixture, Europhys. Lett. 18, 415-420 (1992)
125. HERRMANN H.J., On the stability of growth with a threshold, in NATO Workshop ``Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and Biology'', eds. J.M. Garcia, E. Louis, P. Meakin, L.M. Sander (Plenum Press, New York, 1993), pp. 299-306
126. GALLAS J., BOURBONNAIS R., HERRMANN H.J., Periodic and quasiperiodic time-dependent behaviour in collective ordered phases, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C3, 347-365 (1992)
127. HERRMANN H.J., Patterns and scaling in fracture, Physica Scripta T38, 13-21 (1991)
128. GALLAS J., HERRMANN H.J., SOKOLOWSKI S., Convection cells in vibrating granular media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1371-1374 (1992)
129. LEE J., H.J. HERRMANN, Angle of repose and angle of marginal stability: molecular dynamics of granular particles, J. Phys. A 26, 373-383 (1993)
130. GALLAS J., HERRMANN H.J., SOKOLOWSKI S., Two dimensional powder transport on a vibrating belt, J. Physique II 2, 1389-1400 (1992)
131. HERRMANN H.J., On the thermodynamics of granular media, J. Physique II 3, 427-433 (1993)
132. HERRMANN H.J., Computer simulations of granular media, Chapter XI of Disorder and Granular Media, eds. Bideau D. and Hansen A. (Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam, 1993)
133. HERRMANN H.J., Simulation of granular media, Physica A 191, 263-276 (1992)
134. GALLAS J.A.C., HERRMANN H.J., SOKOLOWSKI S., Molecular dynamics simulation of powder fluidization in two dimensions, Physica A 189, 437-446 (1992)
135. MOUKARZEL C., HERRMANN H.J., A vectorizable random lattice, J. Stat. Phys. 68, 911 (1992)
136. ROUX S., HANSEN A., HERRMANN H.J., VILOTTE J.-P., A model for gouge deformation: implications for remanent magnetization, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 1499-1502 (1993)
137. BERNARDES A.T., HERRMANN H.J., A simple model with strong asymmetric couplings, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 4, 765-774 (1993)
138. HERRMANN H.J., LANDAU D.P., Stability of the tricritical point in 3d nnn Ising antiferromagnet: a Monte Carlo simulation, Phys. Rev. B 48, 239-242 (1993)
139. HERRMANN H.J., Crack patterns: generalized Laplacian structures, in Thermal shock and thermal fatigue behaviour of advanced ceramics, eds.Schneider and Petzow (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993), p.155-165
140. RISTOW G., HERRMANN H.J., Density patterns in two-dimensional hoppers, Phys. Rev. E 50, R5 (1994)
141. HERRMANN H.J., Molecular dynamics simulations of granular materials, (Prag) Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 4, 309-316 (1993)
142. HERRMANN H.J., SAHIMI M., Fluid penetration through a crack in a pressure gradient, J. Phys. A 26, L1145-L1148 (1993)
143. LAURITSEN K.B., SAHIMI M., HERRMANN H.J., Effect of quenched and correlated disorder on growth phenomena, Phys. Rev. E 48, 1272-1278 (1993)
144. NAKANISHI H., HERRMANN H.J., Diffusion and spectral dimension on Eden trees, J. Phys. A 26, 4513-4520 (1993)
145. GALLAS J.A.C., HERRMANN H.J., SOKOLOWSKI S., Granular media on a vibrating plate: a molecular dynamics simulation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 1779-1788 (1993)
146. HERRMANN H.J., Molecular dynamics, in Advances in Computer Simulation, eds. J.Kertész and I. Kondor, Lecture Notes in Physics 501 (Springer, Heidelberg, 1998), p.159-166
146a. HERRMANN H.J., Molecular dynamics of dry granular media, proceedings Osaka
147. HERNANDEZ G., HERRMANN H.J., GOLES E., Extremal automata for image sharpening, Int.J.Mod.Phys.C, 5, 923-932 (1994)
148. TZSCHICHHOLZ F., HERRMANN H.J., ROMAN H.E.,PFUFF M., Modelization of hydraulic fracturing in two dimensions, Phys. Rev. B 49, 7056 (1994)
149. HEMMINGSSON J., HERRMANN H.J., On Oscillations in Cellular Automata, Europhys. Lett. 23, 15-19 (1993)
150. LAURITSEN K.B., MOUKARZEL, C., HERRMANN H.J., Statistical laws and mechanics of Voronoi random lattices, J. de Physique I 3, 1941-1951 (1993)
151. FLEKKØY E., HERRMANN H.J., Lattice Boltzmann models for complex fluids, Physica A 199, 1-11 (1993)

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аватары да, автозамена ссылок вкл, премодерация откл, правка нет

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Cправочная информация общего характера
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