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Зарегистрирован: 24.05.05
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.03.08 11:03. Заголовок: Каротажник Выпуск 2 (167)

В выпуске:

Производственный опыт
• Б.Н. Пукса. Опыт применения перфорационных систем
в скважинах старого фонда.
• Л.А. Зверева, Р.А. Шакиров, А.Ф. Ковалев, Л.Р. Шакирова.
Новые технологии аппаратурно-методического сопровождения
прострелочно-взрывных работ при вторичном вскрытии.
• В.И. Барышев. Использование акустического метода
для прихватоопределения колонн.
• Б.М. Лукманов. Акустический метод
определения интервалов прихвата буровых труб.
• Ю.Б. Удовенко. Опыт использования аппаратуры
импульсного нейтрон-нейтронного каротажа типа АИНК-43.

Результаты работ и исследований ученых и конструкторов
• Г.В. Миловзоров, А.С. Дьячков, В.А. Федорова, А.Г. Миловзоров.
Малогабаритная инклинометрическая система с феррозондовыми
и акселерометрическими преобразователями.
• Е.А. Кулигин, Г.А. Шнурман, А.А. Чумичева. Эффективность центрированной и нецентрированной сканирующей аппаратуры бокового каротажа для изучения азимутальной неоднородности и электросопротивления горных пород.
• О.А. Екимова, А.Ю. Соболев, И.Н. Ельцов. Аппроксимация профилей удельного электрического сопротивления функциями вероятностей при инверсии данных высокочастотного индукционного каротажного изопараметрического зондирования.
• А.А. Алексеев, А.И. Куликов, В.Г. Старушкин. Визуальный построитель геологических сред “Seismic Model Manager”.
• А.В. Балдин. Влияние гидростатического давления в скважине
на работоспособность комплексного прострелочно-взрывного аппарата Г п 105 (“Перфоген”).

Научные обзоры
• А.П. Потапов, Л.Е. Кнеллер, В.В. Даниленко. Современное состояние электромагнитной дефектоскопии колонн нефтегазовых скважин.

Информационные сообщения
• А.В. Барановская, Д.А. Кожевников. Некоторые итоги работы Всероссийской научно-технической конференции по проблемам геофизических исследований горизонтальных скважин.

Письма читателей
• Благодарность Г.Н. Антоновой за помощь в лечении сына.
• Письмо Б.М. Лукманова.
• А.М. Блюменцев, Н.Г. Козыряцкий . О проблемах стандартизации в сфере Гирс .

Наши поздравления
• Юбилей Наиля Кабировича Юнусова.

• Вниманию геологов и геофизиков службы ГТИ.

Из биографии нашего каротажа
• Памяти Петра Сергеевича Варламова.

Сведения об авторах
B. N. Puksa
Experience in Promperforator LLC perforation systems application
in old stock wells

Today, perforation in old stock wells causes problems for many oil companies. This is due to the following factors: a flow string corrosion which requires a “mild” perforation mode, and a complicating pistoning effect occurring in the course of formation exposing with the help of repeated perforation systems.

L. A. Zvereva, R. A. Shakirov, A. F. Kovalev, L. R. Shakirova
New technologies for equipment and technique provision for perforating in the course of secondary exposing

Equipment and technological developments implemented by NTF PerfoTekh closed joint-stock company have been described.

V. I. Baryshev
Application of an acoustic method for free point indication in strings

Acoustic cement-bond logging tool and magnetic free point indicator data have been analyzed and compared. A free point indication technique for strings (based on the acoustic data, as an alternative or complement to the conventional magnetic technique) has been validated and proposed.

B. M. Lukmanov
An acoustic method for drill string sticking interval detection

The results of acoustic cement-bond logging application for drill string sticking interval detection have been described.

Yu. B. Udovenko
Experience in application of an AINK-43 pulse neutron neutron logging tool

Different variants of using AINK-43 serial systems - including the above in the framework of self-contained complexes (AINK-43 plus a memory and power supply module MPP) – in horizontal borehole surveys have been given. The technical data of the MPP module have been given.

G. V. Milovzorov, A. S. Dyachkov, V. A. Fedorova, A. G. Milovzorov
Small-size inclinometry system with flux gate and accelerometer transducers

A design solution in the sphere of inclinometry has been described. Its successful downhole test as a bottomhole telesystem has been performed.

E. A. Kuligin, G. A. Shnurman, A. A. Chumicheva
Centered and eccentric scanning lateral logging tool effectiveness in the study of azimuth heterogeneity and electric resistivity of the rock

An eccentric scanning lateral logging tool has been found to give substantially more information. The experimental investigations confirmed the reliability of centering technology for eccentric tool's segment electrode readings in the course of program processing.

O. A. Ekimova, A. Yu. Sobolev, I. N. Eltsov
Resistivity profiles approximation with probability functions in high-frequency induction log isoparametric sounding data inversion

To solve inverse problems of the downhole geoelectric science, near-well zone radial resistivity distribution model parameterization with a continuous probability function has been proposed. Such model parameterization for observation results inversion by task-oriented sampling methods using the high-frequency induction log isoparametric sounding (VIKIZ) data proved to be quite effective, because it provides a more accurate solution, compatible with the hydrodynamical model of the near-well zone. The inversion model parameterization approach to the near-well zone resistivity distribution described with a continuous function is software-implemented.

A. A. Alekseev, A. I. Kulikov, V. G. Starushkin
Seismic Model Manager – software for visual modeling of geologic environments

A software package developed by the authors has been described. It provides consistent modeling of geologic structures exposed. It can edit, save and export the model in different geophysical formats.

A. V. Baldin
Well pressure head effect on combined perforator GP105 (Perfogen) performability

Combined perforator GP105 is designed for cumulative well perforation and subsequent gas-dynamic impact of the solid-fuel charge combustion products on the near-well zone. It has been shown that certain ratios of the coefficient of perforator's generator module filling with the solid fuel and hydrostatic pressure in the wel treatment zone should be observed for the proper operation of the perforator.

A. P. Potapov, L. E. Kneller, V. V. Danilenko
Current state of electromagnetic detection of defects in oil and gas well pipe strings

Three most developed trends in electromagnetic defect detection based on different physical principles have been discussed. Technical data of Russian and foreign equipment have been given. Opportunities for defect detection and pipe wall thickness measurements in different-design boreholes have been analyzed.

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