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Зарегистрирован: 24.05.05
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.05.08 08:45. Заголовок: Каротажник Выпуск 4 (169)

В выпуске:

Производственный опыт

• А.А. Ахмадеев, В.Г. Рафиков, А.Х. Зиязетдинов, Л.Г. Леготин. Опыт использования волнового акустического каротажа в комплексе с другими методами гис при исследовании горизонтальных скважин (на примере месторождений Пермского края).
• А.Н. Харламов, А.А. Даутов, Ю.В. Литвинов. Повышение информативности метода электромагнитной дефектоскопии обсадных колонн и НКТ.
• М.Ю. Федорищев, А.В. Степаньков, В.Н. Боганик. Информационная достоверность определения характера насыщения по данным испытаний и описаниям керна на этапе поисково-разведочных работ.
• А.М. Носырев. Управление клапанами испытателей пластов на трубах в наклонно направленных скважинах.
• Т.Б. Микерина, М.Ю. Коноплев. Оценка флюидоупорных свойств покрышек над залежами углеводородов УВ по данным модифицированного люминесцентно-битуминологического метода.
• С.В. Добрынин, А.В. Стенин. Оценка проницаемости и динамической пористости по данным широкополосного акустического каротажа.

Результаты работ и исследований ученых и конструкторов

• Д.А. Кожевников, К.В. Коваленко. Адаптивная интерпретация импульсных нейтронных методов.
• Ю.В. Литвинов. Импорт результатов ГИС в графический редактор CorelDRAW .
• В.П. Стенин, Б.Е. Лухминский, А.В. Тепляков. Оценка возможностей новых приборов РК при каротаже газовых скважин.
• А.И. Бессуднов. Анализ погрешностей определения термодинамических характеристик потока.
• В.Т. Перелыгин, А.И. Машкин, В.М. Романов, В.Л. Глухов, В.Р. Давлетшин, И.Х. Шабиев, А.Н. Огнев, Р.Г. Гайнетдинов, А.Г. Коротченко, О.Е. Рыскаль. Разработка и применение современных ядерно-физических методов для нефтегазовых и рудных скважин.
• В.Ф. Назаров. Эффективность использования современной термометрической аппаратуры при исследовании скважин
на нефтяных месторождениях.
• Р.А. Ахтямов, И.Р. Сафиуллин, В.С. Хакимов. Исследование влияния гидравлического сопротивления штуцера испытателя пластов на результаты определения их гидродинамических параметров.
• С.Н. Чердынцев. Повышение информативности геофизических исследований при определении интервала перфорации и оценке гидродинамической сообщаемости пласта с внутренней полостью обсадной колонны в скважинах.
• И.А. Маркова, А.М. Казаков, В.М. Лохматов. Синтетические волновые картины акустического каротажа для скважины, содержащей горизонтальную систему микротрещин.
• И.А. Маркова, А.М. Казаков, В.М. Лохматов. О геометрическом коэффициенте расхождения зондов акустического каротажа.

Правовые вопросы недропользования

• В.Ю. Зайченко. Интеллектуальные права на результаты творческой деятельности в сфере недропользования в свете гражданского законодательства Российской Федерации.


Сведения об авторах


A. A. Akhmadeev, V. G. Rafikov, A. Kh. Ziyazetdinov, L. G. Legotin
Experience of using sonic waveform logging (VAK) in combination
with other well logs for horizontal well logging (on example
of Permian Territory fields)

It has been shown that application of Lamb-Stoneley wave parameters in combination of VAK with other well logs provided by AMK GORIZONT promotes the following: the detailed study of the filtration and capacity properties ( FES ) of the carbonate rocks with their pore space having a complex structure; delineation of porous, fractured, porous and cavernous reservoirs; evaluation of reservoir permeability.

A. N. Kharlamov, A. A. Dautov, Yu. V. Litvinov
How to obtain more valuable information from electromagnetic defect detection in casing and tubing

Classification of basic parameters of electromagnetic defect detectors has been given. Basic characteristics of the transducers have been discussed. Ways to obtain more information from the induction defect detection have been shown.

M. Yu. Fedorishchev, A. V. Stepankov, V. N. Boganik

Informational reliability of saturation type determination based
on testing data and core description at the stage of exploration

The operational technology has been presented with an example of data on Western Siberia terrigenous rocks. The dependences of test reliability in open borehole and casing on test interval length have been given. Probability of oil production in case of oil indications present in the core descriptions has been evaluated.

A. M. Nosyrev
Drillstem tester (DST) valves control in directional wells

On the basis of the results of the commercial experiment conducted while formation testing in open boreholes of directional wells in Western Siberia fields, an empirical formula has been obtained to calculate the number of revolutions the drilling stem is to make for the first change of blocking rotary valve position at the bottomhole.

T. B. Mikerina, M. Yu. Konoplev
Evaluation of fluid trap properties of caps over hydrocarbon
pools based on the data of the modified luminescent-bitumen

The results of GTN carried out in Western Kuban sagging (ZKP) have been given. Regularities in the distribution of bituminous components in the exposed formations of Sarmat-Karagan-Chokrak sediments have been established, light migrating bituminoids generation zones, as well as allochthonous hydrocarbons saturation zones have been delineated, which allows the evaluation of the quality of the fluid traps located over the pools.

S. V. Dobrynin, A. V. Stenin
Permeability and dynamic porosity estimation by wide-band sonic
log (AKSh)

New wide-band sonic tools like XMAC Baker Atlas with dipole sources allow the evaluation of the interval time for compressive, shear and Lamb–Stoneley waves and calculation of dynamic porosity and permeability. High permeability intervals indicate pay zones directly.

D. A. Kozhevnikov, K. V. Kovalenko
Adaptive interpretation of pulse neutron logs

The opportunity of simultaneous evaluation of reservoir oil (gas) saturation and porosity on the basis of pulse neutron logs (PNL) is significantly restricted by insufficient information about the petrophysical characteristics of the mineral components. The interpretation correction technique can partially overcome this restriction by means of labor-taking laboratory measurements done on special metrological devices, involving core analysis data on their elemental composition, or with the help of technology of different-time measurements with the formation treated with a contrasting absorber solution. This article validates an alternative – an adaptive technique for solving this problem, which allows a substantial reduction of the error sources and provides more information from PNL.

Yu. V. Litvinov
Well log import to graphics editor CorelDRAW

A superstructure software that allows well log import to graphics editor CorelDRAW has been discussed.

V. P. Stenin, B. E. Lukhminsky, A. V. Teplyakov
Estimation of capabilities of novel radioactive logging tools
in gas well logging

Capabilities of a tool set with a high-frequency neutron generator for gas borehole stabilization quality estimation have been described.

A. I. Bessudnov
Thermodynamic flow characteristics evaluation errors analysis

The factors that affect flow measurements accuracy and information value have been analyzed. The conclusions drawn have a general value and are true for other methods used in studies on dynamic flow characteristics.

V. T. Perelygin, A. I. Mashkin, V. M. Romanov, V. L. Glukhov,
V. R. Davletshin, I. Kh. Shabiev, A. N. Ognev, R. G. Gainetdinov,
A. G. Korotchenko, O. E. Ryskal
Development and application of state-of-the-art nuclear physical methods for hydrocarbon and ore wells

A state-of-the-art nuclear physical complex for exploration and development hydrocarbon and ore wells developed by OJSC RPE VNIIGIS has been presented. Investigation results obtained in wells with different geologic and technical conditions have been given.

V. F. Nazarov
Efficiency of application of up-to-date temperature measurement tools in oilfield well surveys

A negative effect of liquid stirred near the sensor on the recorded temperature distribution in the borehole has been shown. Recommendation that electronic designers should cooperate with highly qualified log analysts when designing tools has been validated.

R. A. Akhtyamov, I. R. Safiullin, V. S. Khakimov
The investigation of the influence of the hydrodynamical
resistance of the choke of the formation tester on the results
of the determination of their hydrodynamical parameters

The results of the experimental and theoretical analyses of the hydraulic losses appearing in the course of formation testing with formation testers have been presented. On the basis of the mathematical model developed by the authors it has been determined that all of the types of the hydraulic losses for a particular situation can be reduced to a single hypothetical choke with a corresponding parameter. A conclusion has been drawn that the characteristical parameter of the choke has a substantial influence on the calculation of the characteristics of the formation.

S. N. Cherdyntsev
How to obtain more valuable information from well logs
in the course of localization of perforation intervals and estimation of hydrodynamical contacts between the formation and the inner volume of the casing string in the well

A brief description of a technique for the determination of well perforation interval and quality by recording the log of difference between the electric potential s occurring in the casing string has been given. The potential s arise as a result of a simultaneous sonic action of an elastic pulse on the space surrounding the borehole.

A schematic diagram of the combined downhole tool has been shown. The tool provides a sonic action and a simultaneous recording of the logs of the electric potentials induced in the casing string in the course of perforation boundaries and quality determination. The results of the downhole surveys conducted with the help of the technique proposed have been given.

I. A. Markova, A. M. Kazakov, V. M. Lokhmatov
Synthetic wave patterns of sonic logs for a well having
a horizontal system of microfractures

Synthetic wave patterns of sonic logs for a well located in a transversally isotropic environment have been calculate d in this work. The anisotropy has been suggested to be caused by microfractures. The effective field technique was used to calculate effective elastic moduli. On the basis of the analysis of the effect of the fractured porosity factor on different wave types, it has been shown that in principle it is possible to delineate interval s with predominantly horizontally aligned fractures. Finally, an adequate approach to sonic log processing has been proposed.

I. A. Markova, A. M. Kazakov, V. M. Lokhmatov
On form factor in sonic log sonde divergence

On the basis of the mathematical modeling of sonic log wave patterns, a form factor for a head longitudinal wave has been calculated. This factor has been shown to depend on both the properties of the rock surrounding the borehole and transmitter frequency. The well-known analytical results for the form divergence factor are inapplicable in case of sonically soft formations, even for long sondes. It is necessary to use calibration data obtained on real models in order to exclude the effect of the form divergence in absorption factor evaluation based on sonic logs.

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